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Block Metal Oxide Varistor 40kA

Item No: B40-***
1. High energy absorption block metal oxide varistor (MOV)
2. High peak current: Imax 40kA
2. Sealed with inflaming retarding plastic and encapsulated with epoxy resin
3. Used in oil-drilling, mining, transportation equipment and other heavy industrial AC line.

Product Description

1. Dimension of B40 (The value of every model is not the same, please inquire to us directly)

2. Electrical parameters of B40

Item No. Max.Rating(85) SPECIFICATION(25)
Cont.Voltage Energy Varistor
(lmA DC)
VM(AC)(V) VM(DC)(V) (10/1000μs) Min(V) VN(DC)(V) Max(V) Vc(V) Ip(A) F=1KHz(pF) ITM(KA)
B40-201 130 175 310 184 200 224 340 300 7900 40
B40-221 140 180 330 198 220 242 360 300 7200 40
B40-241 150 200 360 216 240 259 395 300 6600 40
B40-271 180 230 390 255 270 300 455 300 5600 40
B40-331 210 270 430 297 330 363 545 300 5000 40
B40-361 230 300 460 326 360 396 595 300 4400 40
B40-391 250 330 490 354 390 432 650 300 4100 40
B40-431 275 360 550 389 430 466 710 300 3800 40
B40-471 300 390 600 425 470 517 790 300 3400 40
B40-511 320 420 640 460 510 558 850 300 3200 40
B40-561 360 470 710 522 560 630 960 300 2900 40
B40-621 390 505 800 558 620 682 1025 300 2600 40
B40-681 420 560 910 612 680 748 1120 300 2400 40
B40-751 460 615 920 675 750 825 1240 300 2200 40
B40-781 480 640 930 702 780 858 1300 300 2100 40
B40-821 510 675 940 738 820 900 1350 300 2000 40
B40-911 550 700 960 819 910 933 1400 300 1800 40
B40-951 580 735 1000 855 950 1000 1500 300 1700 40
B40-102 620 800 1040 900 1000 1100 1650 300 1600 40
B40-112 680 860 1100 990 1100 1200 1800 300 1500 40
B40-122 750 970 1200 1080 1200 1320 2000 300 1300 40
